text-based art

YOU ARE FREE* - Art Intervention at Miami Dade College

This text intervention is a new version of YOU ARE FREE*, which is part of an ongoing project called "Questions and Statements". This project consists of a series of interventions in public spaces using text-based artwork to address issues related to our perception of reality, which in this case intends to tackle the ambiguity of our notion of freedom.

The project started back in 2008, as "guerilla style" art interventions in the streets of Wynwood, Miami, FL. They were small black and white print outs, but it rapidly became clear that they were meant to be displayed in a larger format. YOU ARE FREE* eventually made its way to Europe and was presented as billboard-size artwork in two different cities. More information here.

Now it is shown in the United States for the first time as a large-scale art intervention at Miami Dade College, Homestead Campus. In this specific space, visitors have the opportunity to engage with the work in many ways. As they walk by, they can also read a small text inviting them to take a moment to reflect on the meaning of the words and how it relates to them personally, and to share their comments and pictures through social media.

This piece will be on view from September 1st through October 20th, 2017. Share your pictures and comments:


@youarefreeprojects #youarefreeprojects




Miami Dade College - Homestead Gallery
Sept. 1 - Oct. 20, 2017

Library of the Homestead Campus.

500 College Terrace,
Homestead, Florida, 33030

Monday - Thursday:  7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Friday:  7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday:  8:00 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Phone: 305-237-5242