Participation in Zones Art Fair 2014 on Dec. 6th, starting at 8pm, presenting a durational performance piece as part of Performia Performance Art Festival.
Fair Dates: December 2-7, 2014
Fair Hours: 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Reception: December 5, 2014 7:00 - 10:00 PM
Special programming after art fair hours happening daily.
Performance Events: December 2-7, 2014
Event Hours: Please check the events calendar for daily listing.
Visit for more details.
New Location:
Little Haiti Arts District
8325 NE 2 AVE, Miami FL, 33138
December 2 - 7, 2014 marks the opening of Zones Art Fair. We present a selection of events and shows that challenge traditional structures in performance and contemporary art: The “Planet Hollywood” of Newer Genres, Jan and Dave’s Improvisational Noise, and Performia Performance Art Festival.
Certain contemporary art practices—installation, performance, relational aesthetics, social sculpture et al.—are notoriously hard to document or commodify. The “Planet Hollywood” of Newer Genres questions how these practices fit in to our dominant culture of object display. Here, objects that exist as a facilitator of an action or document of a non-object based art happening are displayed in an evolving installation that attempts to graft a provisional aura to an indexical remnant.
The fair opens to the public December 2 with a reception December 5. There will be spontaneous and scheduled (see website) performances throughout the week. Artists include: Julia Sinelnikova, Jen Clay, Jamie Thomas Marsh, James Mayhew, Sophia Park, Kalan Sherrard, Leyla Mozayen, Bruno Giuliani, Varvara Voetskova, Dino Real, Kathryn Marks, Jon Konkol, Maria paz Valenzuela, Kevin Blackstone, Antoinette Suiter, House of Gunt, SSTR, Local Honey, DAZZLESTORM!, Michael Anthony Farley, Ellen Degenerate, Poncili Creacion, and Ellen Turrietta, and Vincent Tiley. The “Planet Hollywood” of Newer Genres is curated by Liz Ferrer and Michael Anthony Farley two artists whose practice combine performance, image/object making, events and curation.
Jan and Dave’s Improvisational Noise, organized by Jan Weingarten and Dave Kudzma. Bring your own noise making instrument or creation. The public is invited to watch or join in the making of Noise Music. Be a part of the improvisational situation that could be as minimal as one note, or a chaotic cacophony, direction unknown, and experimental. Join us December 2-4 from 6-9 PM.
Performia Performance Art Festival, founded and curated by Charo Oquet, will run December 2-7, with a mission to present performance to the pragmatic art fair format. Participants include: Rat Bastard, Kat Toledo, Eckszooberante, Karina Pais, Asymmetrical Apples, The Brants, Moises Aragon, Jan & Dave, House Pencil Green, David Brieske. Also as part of the festival there will be a book launch and reading from Dominican author and curator Alanna Lockward, Un Haiti Dominicano.